We always get the question: “Should we wait until the regression is over to see if we need to sleep train?” The answer is that unfortunately there is no end to this particular regression because this is the one regression that is NOT tied to physical or cognitive developments, rather a permanent shift in their sleep cycles!

Many parents dread the 4 month sleep regression, but it is nothing to be afraid of! It is actually a good thing because it shows you that your baby is developing as he should be and it is a great time to start thinking about sleep training!

When does it happen?  The average is 16 weeks from a baby’s estimated due date.

Why? Your baby’s sleep cycles have matured! Instead of your baby fluctuating between 2 stages of sleep, they now have more adult-like sleep cycles where they fluctuate between 4 stages of sleep.  When they go from the deepest to the lightest stage of sleep, they often wake up! If they don’t know how to get themselves to sleep at the beginning of the night, they will have a tough time doing so when they wake in the middle of the night.

This new sleep cycle is ultimately what causes:

  • Frequent night wakings

  • Early rising

  • Short naps

What is ideal? At this time a baby’s 3 naps form and they are now developmentally ready to be sleep trained! The goal is that naps 1 and 2 are a minimum of 1 hour each (in order to be considered restorative) and we are looking for nights to start to consolidate with a morning wake up time between 6:30 & 7:30am.

What to do?

Placing your baby down fully awake will be very important.  If you baby knows how to get themself to sleep at the beginning of the night, they will be able to do so for any middle of the night wakings!

Timing: Make sure your little one is going down at the correct time each night based on the quality of their day (it’ll be a moving target when you first begin).

Consistency: Determine how many night feedings are nutritionally necessary for your baby and apply your chosen method to all other wakings.

The first few nights of sleep training are always the toughest. If you need help, reach out!

Alexandra Coffman