Are you dealing with a gassy newborn in the middle of the night? We’ve been there, too! Almost all babies will have trouble with trapped gas at some point the first few months. 

Here are some common causes of your baby’s gas: 

  • Swallowing air when feeding

  • Digestive problems such as constipation or reflux

  • Immature gastrointestinal tract (still learning how to digest food)

  • Baby’s diet (exposure to certain foods from mother’s breastmilk or bubbles in formula)

Symptoms of a gassy baby:

  • Fussiness

  • Arching of the back

  • Lifting legs

  • Hardened belly

How to help? Follow some of these techniques throughout the day to help your gassy baby sleep more comfortably:

1.) Warm bath: A warm, soothing bath can provide the calming opportunity to relax the muscles needed to relieve gas.

2.) Baby massage: Giving an infant massage helps the trapped air move from the belly. Speak with your pediatrician or health expert on the best techniques to try at home.

3.) Bicycle legs: Get those legs pumping left and right a few minutes at a time throughout the day.

4.) Tummy time: Not only does tummy time help strengthen head and neck muscles, it will help alleviate any trapped gas.

Fortunately, most babies outgrow the gassy stage between 3 and 6 months! This also happens to be the sweet spot for teaching independent sleep! 

Written By: Ashley Barie, MyBaby Sleepology

Alexandra Coffman