We've all been there, you tuck your little one in only to hear "Mommy, it's dark!" When your child is 2+ years old they may begin to express a fear of the dark. This would be an okay time to add a small night light to their room, if you think that it will help calm them at bedtime. You’d still want to tuck it behind a dresser or night stand so that it is emitting as little light as possible. The ideal color for a night light at this age is red, as this is the least disruptive to deep REM sleep and is not a stimulant.
Why is a Pitch Black Room so Important?:
The reason that a dark sleep environment is so important (at any age, from newborn through toddlerhood) is that the darkness increases your child's natural production of melatonin! This is a sleepy hormone that helps them to fall asleep faster and not wake up with the sun! If there is a stream of line coming through the side, it can send a signal to their brain that it is time to wake up and that’s the last thing we want!
Here are Some Facts on "Fear of the Dark":
They don't develop fears until earliest being 2 years old: Babies are actually developmentally incapable of understanding "fear." A strong and consistent routine is the best thing you can do for your baby! Helping to cue baby for sleep looks like: dark sleep environment with white noise going continuously for both night and naps.
You're worried that you child will always need a super dark sleep environment in order to sleep: Your child will not be dependent on darkness, as it is more of a sleep aid than a crutch! The dark truly helps children of any age sleep better because it helps to increase levels of melatonin! In general, it is better to have darkness as the “rule” and it not being as dark as the “exception” (due to travel).
If you’re struggling to get your child’s room pitch black, here are some simple solutions:
Black trash bags
Travel blinds that suction cup to the window
Black construction paper
So get those blackout shades going, tape over any power lights and ramp up that natural melatonin! Creating the optimal sleep environment will only aid in your goals of a super well rested family :)
Written By: Sacha Jarrell, MyBaby Sleepology